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Reach Your Fitness Goals with Us

Join us on a journey to reach your fitness goals! Our expert trainers and personalized programs will guide you every step of the way. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health, we’re here to help you succeed. With our supportive community and effective programs, achieving your fitness dreams has never been more attainable. Start your transformation today!

About Neffs Fitness.

Founded in 2018, we have been a cornerstone of the fitness community, offering a wide range of workout plans and personalized training programs to meet the diverse needs of our members. Our experienced trainers are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or looking to take your workouts to the next level.

Helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system

Fitness training can help to increase energy

Build your strength and endurance

Achieving fitness goals and improving physical health

Muscle Building

Weight Loss

Personal Coaching

Our Programs

Browse a few of our downloadable workout programs

Workout Plans 🠦

Meal Plans 🠦

Weight Loss 🠦

Nutrition Coaching 🠦

Personal Coaching 🠦

Get Tons of Benefits

We offer loads of perks for you to use to achieve your fitness goals!

Online Fitness Coaching

Access to fitness app

Health & Fitness

Working towards your goal

Free Consultation

Talk to an expert about your needs

Diet Plans

Get your diet on track

Weekly Check Ins

Get the ultimate accountability

Video Instructions

There are instructions on each exercise

Customized Workout Plan

Workout plans made just for you

Simple Membership

Get more of a customize approach to your fitness journey



✓ Fitness Training

✓ Personal Coaching

✓ Communicate with Trainer

✓ Access to Facebook Group

x Nutritional Coaching

x 1 on 1 Weekly Accountability Check-ins

x Access to Exclusive Programs




✓ Fitness Training

✓ Personal Coaching

✓ Communicate with Trainer

✓ Access to Facebook Group

✓ Nutritional Coaching

x 1 on 1 Weekly Accountability Check-ins

x Access to Exclusive Programs



✓ Fitness Training

✓ Personal Coaching

✓ Communicate with Trainer

✓ Access to Facebook Group

✓ Nutritional Coaching

✓ 1 on 1 Weekly Accountability Check-ins

✓ Access to Exclusive Programs

Our Experts

Meet out team of expert trainers

Brandyn Neff


Demetri Edwards

Fitness Manager

Diego Palacios

Sales Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about our online fitness training? Check out our FAQ for answers to commonly asked questions about how our virtual coaching works, what to expect, equipment needed, and more. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly for assistance!

Its Time To Take An Action

Transform your fitness journey today and unlock your full potential with our online training program! Join now to experience personalized workouts, expert guidance, and a supportive community, all from the comfort of your home. Don’t wait any longer to achieve your fitness goals – take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

What is online fitness training?

Online fitness training is a virtual fitness coaching service that allows you to work with a personal trainer or fitness coach remotely. Through our app, custom workout plans, and ongoing support, you can achieve your fitness goals from anywhere.

How does online fitness training work?

Online fitness training typically starts with an initial consultation to discuss your goals, fitness level, and any limitations. Your trainer will then create a personalized workout plan and schedule regular check-ins to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

What equipment do I need for online fitness training?

The equipment you need will depend on your specific goals and the workouts your trainer prescribes. However, many workouts can be done with minimal equipment, such as dumbbells, resistance bands, and a yoga mat. Your trainer will work with you to ensure you have what you need.

Is online fitness training suitable for beginners?

Yes, online fitness training can be suitable for beginners. Your trainer will tailor your workouts to your fitness level and provide guidance on proper form and technique to help you safely and effectively reach your goals.

How often will I communicate with my trainer?

The frequency of communication will depend on your trainer and your individual needs. Some trainers may schedule weekly check-ins, while others may communicate more frequently. Your trainer will work with you to determine the best schedule for your goals.

How do I get started with online fitness training?

To get started, simply reach out to a reputable online fitness trainer or platform and inquire about their services. They will guide you through the process of setting up an initial consultation and getting started on your fitness journey.